DeviantArt is an online community of artists from around the world, including professional artists who upload and display their artwork to their DeviantArt page. While known for displaying digital art, the quality of DeviantArt prints can vary from a traditional painting to drawings.
This community of like-minded artists is a great place to submit your artwork to receive feedback from other artists and is another internet platform that can be used to sell art online.
We’ve included more information in this article with our top helpful tips and tools to get started selling art using your DeviantArt account.
The recent launch of DeviantArt’s subscription service has attracted more users to its site. With over 65 million registered users, the DeviantArt community is a good way to attract potential clients.
The subscription service allows artists to provide customizable content to their followers, thereby creating a more straightforward way to sell art and make money using the DeviantArt site.
This is in line with their art protection service that helps safeguard artists against infringements.
Selling Art Online with DeviantArt

DeviantArt is the world’s largest online art community and is also the largest online art gallery in the world.
Although DeviantArt has been around for over 20 years, Wix recently purchased the site, which has given the platform a much-needed boost within the art community. The purchase has allowed the platform to make necessary changes to safeguard community members and attract more professional artists.
If selling prints through your DeviantArt account is a little confusing, read on to understand how the online community works and how an artist can earn money through the site.
Become a Core Member
There is something for every artist’s budget in the core membership options with four membership choices to choose from, including for freelancers and professionals.
Perks include art protection, the ability to fully customize your profile, access to statistics and insights, the ability to organize sub-galleries of your art and create scheduled and numerous posts.
Additional advantages include zero commissions, and a 2.5–12% fee, depending on membership type. You can even gift core membership to other DeviantArt community members.
Invest in Your Photos

Photos are what DeviantArt is all about, and high-quality images can literally sell themselves. Investing in each image is worth the extra effort. If you’re not a professional photographer, ask a friend who’s into photography to take the photos for your account and pay them by giving them credit on your website.
Be sure to edit images using an image editing tool, so the colors of each print are the same as the original.
In addition, be sure to add images to your website and other social media accounts to increase online sales further. Published photos should also have the date of the post along with prices for each print.
How to Sell Prints using DeviantArt Points
DeviantArt points are only available to DeviantArt members and can be bought directly through your DeviantArt page.
Artists on the site can sell their artwork to other community members using points as payment.
Note that submitting points cannot be used as money outside of the DeviantArt site. Some artwork, including commissions, can only be purchased using points. To learn more about points and how they work, click here.
Sell Fine Art Prints Using DeviantArt Print Program

DeviantArt’s print account is free and is available to all account holders. It has all the tools necessary to print and sell fine art images.
Each person can post their stuff, manage their art gallery, access stats on how your stuff is selling, and edit your artist bio, all for free.
Note that your bio gives each customer insight into your life as an artist and can be a helpful way for your customers to get to know you and is well worth filling out.
Looking for additional outlets to sell your physical prints? Check out our guides on canvas print companies, metal print companies and acrylic print companies, many offer galleries for artists to host their work.
Sell Commissions
Just about every artist would love to commission their artwork and create customized pieces that also pay more per piece. Don’t forget to create guidelines for customers to understand what you can and can’t do.
Customers send messages directly through your page or website where you can accept or reject their requests. Offer prints in different sizes to help earn more money.
Be aware that some customers might request that your artwork be printed on mouse pads, magnets, postcards, or mugs. Each person decides how to upload their artwork for printing on alternative surfaces.
Further Details
Each sale made through DeviantArt is made using points, PayPal, or BitPay. In addition, an artist can withdraw their money using PayPal or BitPay. Payment and withdrawal options are found in your account. Sales can also be made through external websites.
Each piece of artwork has a base price per size within different categories and how much the artist will make per sale. Artists who are core members can decide their own prices.
Lastly, be sure to tag art on published sites, your website, and other online platforms. This helps customers find you, even those around the world, when they search for your art.