Art Prompt Generator – Get New Creative Art Ideas!

Finding inspiration as an artist can sometimes be difficult.  Anybody that’s been stuck with some creative blocks for a prolonged period of time will attest at how frustrating it can be.

This is true of all creative endeavors, such as writing, marketing, invention and innovation, and of course artistic endeavors like drawing, painting and design.

For this reason we’ve put together these art prompt generators, which will hopefully give you the “shot in the arm” necessary to kick start those creative juices again.

Each generator will display a new prompt each time the page is refreshed.  Have fun!

Environment Art Prompt

Amsterdam-past-future_mango_concept-art by David Revoy
Artwork by David Revoy/Blender Foundation

While characters are arguably the most important part of any narrative, the environment or setting of those characters can provide some of the best opportunity for stunning visuals and further expanding on the full creativity of your artwork.

For this reason we’ve put together the Environment Art Prompt Generator.  Refresh the page to get a fresh, new idea for the setting or environment for you art.  Enjoy!

How About this Environment?…

A Smoky, Ancient, Lively City Street Set To The Backdrop Of a Dark Sky

Refresh to see a Brand New Prompt!

Did this inspire you to create a new scene or setting for your artwork? If so, please consider sharing it with us so we can feature it here on Triangulation!

Character Design Art Prompt Generator

Shaman Character Portrait by David Revoy/Blender Foundation
Artwork by David Revoy/Blender Foundation

The process of character design can be a thrilling and fulfilling process, allowing the full gamut of creativity to flourish, including visual art (the characters physical characteristics, clothing, equipment, location and setting), to storytelling (the characters background, motivations, emotions and conflicts, relationships to other characters).

So to help prompt some great ideas we’ve put together this Character Design Art Generator that will shoot out a character description each time the page is loaded.

The generator is capable of generating over 12 MILLION unique ideas, so go ahead and refresh the page to get yourself a fresh one…

How About this Character?…

A Dark and Independent Prince Gloating With Rubies And Emeralds

Refresh to see a Brand New Prompt!

Did this inspire you to create a new character? If so, please consider sharing it with us so we can feature it here on Triangulation!